by Shakirova Nargiz, PR                              

                                 “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors and the most patient of teachers”, Charles William Eliot

Do you believe in books? Can they teach us any different aspects of life? And are they the best resources? Hardly can we say where the truth is.

The point is that everyone is addicted to technical gadgets now and do not even understand how it is important to get in all those fabulous fairy worlds. In fact, books are based on various kinds of events and they may teach us how to behave in different situations. The discernible advantage is understanding people around. It is easier if we pay attention to the feelings of characters from the tale, their attitude to each other, and it gives insight into the way they live.

However, all bread is not baked in one oven, that is why there is the opposite point of view. The more you live, the more you know, because of your huge communicative experience through the years with all sorts of people; trips, journeys and work. Could it be enough you would say? That is for you to decide and it is up to you to criticize. Of course, it is almost sufficient to be familiar with team working and relationships by personal observations. But how could we expand our horizons with only living and watching without all majesty of book representations and those wonderful worlds? I hope, everyone estimates the practical value of that and takes up the option.

As for me, it is crucial to develop your possibility to dream about something which might be found in an astonishing book. Imagination is one the most powerful thing you may have.